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Big Time Best Buys
List of undervalued marketplace items.
Dagger of Sir Bleoberis
This is the best looking item in the set.
[69x] Lowest Price: $1.64
Battle Staff of Sir Cai
Cool ice staff with swirling effect around handle.
[36x] Lowest Price: $2.40
Battle Blade of Sir Bleoberis
Heavy particle effects for an uncommon.
[96x] Lowest Price: $2.59
Battle Blade of Sir Cai
Glowing blue sword, large unique shape, one of the best looking weapons.
[38x] Lowest Price: $3.30
Battle Blade of Sir Tristram
Sticks out with a blade that glows orange/red.
[14x] Lowest Price: $4.70
Great Sword of Sir Lamorak
Gold exclusive with a unique shape.
[48x] Lowest Price: $4.98
Chrono Barbarian Gloves
Orange gloves that are one of the last low priced items of the set.
[10x] Lowest Price: $19.00
Xolodorian Adept Shoulders
Shiny silver shoulders that go with any outfit.
[14x] Lowest Price: $20.00
Xolodorian Adept Gloves
Shiny silver gloves that stick out and go with any outfit.
[18x] Lowest Price: $25.00
Battle Staff of Sir Pellinore
One of the best looking staff weapons for the price.
[32x] Lowest Price: $6.29
Battle Blade of Sir Bors
Unique blade that looks different than most other swords. Purple edge and glow.
[24x] Lowest Price: $10.99
The Lucky Knight
This title might make you feel lukcy when NFT farming.
[15x] Lowest Price: $11.00
Apprentice Prototype Head
Although not the best looking, rare head pieces are needed to complete the set.
[19x] Lowest Price: $22.00
Battle Axe of Sir Dagonet
This axe is huge with particle effects around the handle. Not many available.
[10x] Lowest Price: $32.00
Great Sword of Sir Palamedes
This is a huge purple sword that will get you noticed.
[11x] Lowest Price: $33.00
Battle Axe of Sir Lancelot
Lancelot set has one of the best particle effects. These will be some of the most desired weapons.
[13x] Lowest Price: $44.94
War Hammer of Sir Lancelot
Lancelot set has one of the best particle effects. These will be some of the most desired weapons.
[14x] Lowest Price: $64.90
Battle Blade of Sir Dagonet
This blade looks unworldy, with shooting purple particle effects. One of the best.
[6x] Lowest Price: $69.69
23 Total Best Buys